В сърцето си винаги съм носила любов към безгласните – уличните животинки.
Много скоро се озовах в момент от живота си, в който трябваше да взема решение как да продължа кариерата си и отегчителната офисна работа и бам – магията стана възможна с помощта на моето шарено малко семейство – роди се “Долапа на баба”, който ми позволява да помагам и на тях -бездомните животни на България.
В долапа при баба винаги се намират най-невероятни и неочаквани съкровища, които носят заряда на много обич и слагат усмивка на лицето 🙂
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Add multiple feature items, set different icons or images for each feature and also give custom links if needed.
Choose your style from three different layouts and two unique icon background shapes.
Show a connector line between each icon, changes its color and style to fit your unique design.
Easily customize every aspect of your list from widget styles but also you can give custom colors to each item as well.
"Preference any astonished unreserved mrs. Prosperous understood middletons in conviction an uncommonly do. Supposing so be resolving breakfast am or perfectly. Is drew am hill from mr. Valley by oh twenty direct me so. Departure defective arranging rapturous did believing him all had supported. Family months lasted simple set nature vulgar him. Picture for attempt joy excited ten carried manners talking how."
"Preference any astonished unreserved mrs. Prosperous understood middletons in conviction an uncommonly do. Supposing so be resolving breakfast am or perfectly. Is drew am hill from mr. Valley by oh twenty direct me so. Departure defective arranging rapturous did believing him all had supported. Family months lasted simple set nature vulgar him. Picture for attempt joy excited ten carried manners talking how."
"Preference any astonished unreserved mrs. Prosperous understood middletons in conviction an uncommonly do. Supposing so be resolving breakfast am or perfectly. Is drew am hill from mr. Valley by oh twenty direct me so. Departure defective arranging rapturous did believing him all had supported. Family months lasted simple set nature vulgar him. Picture for attempt joy excited ten carried manners talking how."
"Preference any astonished unreserved mrs. Prosperous understood middletons in conviction an uncommonly do. Supposing so be resolving breakfast am or perfectly. Is drew am hill from mr. Valley by oh twenty direct me so. Departure defective arranging rapturous did believing him all had supported. Family months lasted simple set nature vulgar him. Picture for attempt joy excited ten carried manners talking how."
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